Midnight Tea Date

Something that made me giddy today. 🙂 Christian treated me to a midnight tea and my favorite dark chocolate macadamia cookie. It was such a nice surprise after days of stress at work.

What made this really sweet is the fact that he is not, in any way, a tea or a coffee guy. He might not admit it but I think he makes a lot of effort to stay away from any Starbucks cafe as much as he can. Christian, if you are reading this, feel free to comment. Haha!

Anyway, yeah. That’s the sweetest part of it. His little efforts to make me smile and feel better whenever I feel so stressed or down. He may not be the quintessential flowers and chocolates guy but he totally makes up for it with giddy moments such as this. ❤

** This was supposed to be posted last Friday but my WordPress for iOS acted up. 

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